Live Well
A live well works to keep your bait or fish alive until the end of your fishing trip, when it is time to weigh in or to clean your catch. From a couple of gallons to 30 or more gallons, these wells come in a variety of sizes, shapes and styles and are used for several different purposes. Before these became common on fishing boats most anglers relied on a
Fish Stringer hung over the side of the boat or a cooler filled with a bag or two of ice. When fishing tournaments became popular, it also became necessary to develop a system to keep the catch alive for weigh in, and then release. Maintaining a working well that kept all fish alive became very important. Tournament anglers will lose points for any fish that cannot be released alive.
This shows our Lund Pro V live bait and fish well and side by side. This works in tandem, providing fresh aerated water to both the live and bait well, keeping both in great shape for live fish and bait.
Live Well Options
Most fish live wells have several things in common: a pump that circulates water, a method (sometimes a second pump) that will circulate air (oxygen) throughout the water, and a volume of water sufficient for the expected number of fish you will catch to stay alive. Aeration can occur by the incoming water simply hitting the surface of the well with force creating bubbles throughout the well. Following are various descriptions of common forms of these Wells - click on each one to read the details.
- Built In Wells
- Home Made - Portable Wells
- Pontoon Boat Wells
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Shown above is a picture of a typical built in fresh water well in one of our Lund fishing boats. As you can see, the section on the left is for live fish that you catch. The yellow top round container is perfect for your minnows.
Make your own live well with a large cooler. Shown below are parts that can help you do the trick. Add a bit of sure life chemical and you will keep them alive longer and healthier. For your bait these Engel coolers are excellent. Insulated to keep the water cool, and an included aerator for oxygen supply - your minnows will love it.
Several size and styles of these wells exist for pontoon boats, determined by need and size of your pontoon. Some even offer a seat with a back on top.

Moeller Marine Products Livewell, Light Blue, 26 Gallon

Moeller Deluxe Permanent Mount Swing Back Cooler or Livewell Boat Seat (72-Quart, 37" x 18.5" x 34.5") Capacity, White